Department of Health and Ageing - Youth Health
Youth Gambling, DoJ, Victoria
Report: Factors Affecting Youth Gambling investigated gambling participation and problem gambling amongst 18 to 24 year olds. Contains statistics on youth gambling in Australia.
National Youth Mental health Foundation
Links, resources and other data on prevalence rates and burden of disease in young people with mental and substance use disorders: health and well being; staistics by state; suicide and self harm; Indigenous Australians. Also contains ‘Mythbusters’ on eating disorders, Suicidal Ideation, Self harm. Also fact sheets and videos, evidence and statistics links.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW)
The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) is a major national agency set up by the Australian Government under the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Act to provide reliable, regular and relevant information and statistics on Australia's health and welfare - including young people.
Centre for Multicultural Youth
Contains many links to useful information on youth issues, particularly those involving young people in multicultural contexts.
Country Matters - Social Atlas of Rural and Regional Australia
Contains archive of research on country social trends.
Australian Government Fair Work Ombudsman
The national minimum wage acts as a safety net for employees in the national workplace relations system to provide minimum rates of pay for employees not covered by awards or agreements. National minimum wage orders are made by the Minimum Wage Panel of Fair Work Australia.
Australian Institute of Criminology
The Australian Institute of Criminology is Australia's national research and knowledge centre on crime and justice.
Australian National Council on Drugs
The Australian National Council on Drugs (ANCD) is the principal advisory body to Government on drug policy and plays a critical role in ensuring the voice of the community is heard in relation to drug related policies and strategies.
National Drug Research Institute
The National Drug Research Institute (NDRI) conducts and disseminates high quality research that contributes to the primary prevention of harmful drug use and the reduction of drug related harm in Australia.
Australian Institute of Family Studies
The Australian Institute of Family Studies (the Institute) is an Australian Government statutory agency within the portfolio of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs. It was established in February 1980 under the Australian Family Law Act 1975.